Tyskland kan forlade euroen, hvis…

Dokumenter, frigivet af Wikileaks, viser, at den tyske domstol har fastslået, at Tyskland kan trække sig ud af euroen hvis enten 1) den udvikler sig til en inflationær zone eller 2), hvis Tyskland bliver en de facto finansierer af redningspakker. Det er iflg. dokumentet, som er en note, der er afsendt fra den amerikanske ambassadør i Tyskland, oven i købet en beslutning af den tyske forfatningsdomstol. Noten lyder således:

“DB Chief Economist Thomas Mayer told Ambassador Murphy
he was pessimistic Greece would take the difficult steps
needed to put its house in order.  A worst case scenario,
says Mayer, could be that Germany pulls out of the Eurozone
altogether in 20 years time.  In 1990, Germany’s
Constitutional Court ruled that the country could withdraw
from the Euro if: 1) the currency union became an
“inflationary zone,” or 2) the German taxpayer became the
Eurozone’s “de facto bailout provider.”  Mayer proposes a
“Chapter 11 for Eurozone countries,” which would place
troubled members under economic supervision until they put
their house in order.  Unfortunately, there is no serious
discussion of this underway, he lamented.”

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